I do not want to write sincere homages or any of the mawkish blabber.
This one is for ISLAMIC HARDLINERS - you are following a wrong religion and God, if there is any, in your case.
If you think you are following HIS Will then you are wrong. You are just following orders no better than clerks.
Just that clerks don't kill people. So you are worse at your job.
Growing a beard and shaving off your moustache might be religio-scientific for you. But you cannot get others to follow your trend because it is definitely not cool.
You are not Alexander Mcqueen. RIP.
To Pansy Islamic wife-beaters - We will build 10 more German Bakeries and have 20 more cross cultural zones & 100 more Panzer Division Tanks to blow your balls off.
Trust me guys, if it weren't for oil, America would've kicked your rotten ass decades back.
Israel will anyways fuck your well-being pretty soon. And we will be with them.
Don't go running & crying to Allah, coz he'll be sipping some tea and enjoying Sufi music with me.
No matter how bad you multiply, your terrormonging generals generally die in the most uncool way. Ass up face down, bloodied.
Your jannat is a disheveled neglected morgue. Your martydom is a but a pile of bones in some forgotten corner of an army base.
Ass up face down, bloodied.
Miss you GB, looking forward to a quick recovery!
And to all my Muslim friends no offence meant please.